closeup portrait of young happy woman looking in camera

Louis P. Bucky, MD, FACS

Award-Winning, World-Renowned Plastic Surgeon
Premiere Destination for Finest Injectables & Skin Care

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

Non-surgical rhinoplasty (NSR) is an effective way to enhance the shape and symmetry of your nose without facial plastic surgery. Dr. Bucky and our expert nurse injectors use structural HA filler to make adjustments to the shape and profile of the nose. We can help to smooth bumps, refine irregularities, shape desired contours, and elevate the nasal tip with minimal downtime. Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty, sometimes referred to as Non-surgical nose job or liquid rhinoplasty, is offered at our Philadelphia offices. For those seeking an enhancement of their nasal features without the recovery time associated with traditional rhinoplasty, non-surgical rhinoplasty provides a convenient and customizable option.

Surgeon touching woman nose, consulting before rhinoplasty operation

What is Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty?

NSR is a cosmetic procedure that uses hyaluronic acid (HA) filler to shape and contour the nose without requiring incisions or facial plastic surgery.1 This treatment offers a less invasive alternative to traditional rhinoplasty by using precise injections to enhance the symmetry, adjust the contours, and improve the overall appearance of the nose. It is particularly suitable for individuals who wish to refine their facial features without the downtime or commitment associated with surgical procedures. It allows you to preview a new nasal profile or contour without fear or regret of the outcome. Whether it’s smoothing out a dorsal hump, elevating or narrowing a nasal tip, or even refining the profile, Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty can provide noticeable results with minimal recovery time.

What Can Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Do?

Liquid rhinoplasty with injectable filler is a great option for making temporary, subtle modifications to your nose without surgery. It can:

  • Conceal a bump along the bridge (dorsal hump)
  • Smooth out lumps or irregularities
  • Correct asymmetry
  • Enhance and elevate the nasal tip
  • Straighten a slightly crooked nose
  • Add volume to specific areas
  • Refine dorsal aesthetic lines and build up a flattened nasal bridge

While it’s excellent for minor enhancements, if you’re looking for more dramatic, permanent changes, traditional rhinoplasty may be a better fit.2

Benefits of Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty (NSR)

NSR comes with a range of benefits, making it a popular option for those looking to reshape their nose without surgery:

  • Non-Surgical Procedure: This procedure is entirely non-surgical, meaning no incisions and no need for general anesthesia.
  • Quick, Visible Results: The results of non-surgical rhinoplasty are noticeable immediately following treatment, providing instant enhancement.
  • Minimal Downtime: Unlike traditional rhinoplasty surgery, this procedure has very little recovery time, allowing patients to resume daily activities soon after.
  • Highly Customizable: Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers provide a high level of precision, allowing the practitioner to carefully adjust nasal shape and contours to suit each individual’s facial features and goals.
  • Temporary and Adjustable: For those not ready to commit to permanent changes, this treatment offers a reversible option, which can also serve as a preview for potential surgical rhinoplasty results.
  • Improves Symmetry and Profile: Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty can smooth out bumps, adjust an uneven nasal bridge, elevate a droopy tip, or enhance overall nasal symmetry—all without the need for surgery.
Beautiful young woman

Who is a Good Candidate for Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty?

Liquid rhinoplasty is an excellent option for individuals who wish to enhance the appearance of their nose without undergoing surgery. Ideal candidates are those looking for subtle changes, such as smoothing out bumps, enhancing symmetry, or lifting the nasal tip, all while maintaining a natural look. If you are not ready for the downtime, cost, or commitment associated with surgical rhinoplasty, this non-surgical approach can offer impressive results with minimal interruption to your daily life.

This procedure is best suited for patients who want minor adjustments to the contour or shape of the nose and have realistic expectations about what can be achieved without plastic surgery. Unlike traditional rhinoplasty, which can involve significant structural changes, non-surgical rhinoplasty adds volume using dermal fillers, making it unsuitable for those who wish to reduce the overall size of their nose. If your goals involve more substantial reshaping, correcting severe functional issues, or reducing the nasal structure, surgical rhinoplasty may be the better choice.3

Non-surgical rhinoplasty is also an excellent option for those who are curious about how changes to their nose may look before deciding on permanent surgery, or for those who wish to correct issues from a previous rhinoplasty.

Preparing for Your Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty (NSR)

To prepare for your NSR at our Philadelphia office, the first step is to schedule a consultation. During this appointment, an experienced aesthetic injector will:

  • Assess your nasal anatomy and surrounding facial features
  • Take clinical photos in multiple views in our photography studio
  • Review your detailed medical and surgical history to ensure safety & efficacy
  • Discuss your overall goals to determine if you are a suitable candidate
  • Weigh the risks and benefits of non-surgical rhinoplasty
  • Review our before and after photo gallery to determine your individual goals

In the week leading up to your procedure, it’s important to avoid blood-thinning medications (like aspirin, ibuprofen, Motrin, Advil, Aleve) and certain supplements (like Vitamin E, fish oil, and omega-3s) to reduce the risk of bruising. Additionally, refrain from consuming alcohol and engaging in strenuous exercise for 24 to 48 hours prior to your appointment. These simple precautions will help ensure a smoother experience, can diminish the risk of bruising and enhance the effectiveness of your treatment.

doctor is drawing mark up lines on nose before rhinoplasty surgery
young woman is lying on couch while professional estimating results after procedures

The NSR Procedure

The non-surgical rhinoplasty procedure is performed by our skilled aesthetic injector right here in our Philadelphia office. During the treatment, a dermal filler made up of hyaluronic acid gel is precisely injected into specific areas of the nose to reshape and refine its appearance. The filler helps to smooth out bumps, fill in any depressions, refine nasal symmetry and elevate the nasal tip—all without the need for incisions or surgery.

The entire procedure typically takes about 30 to 45 minutes, and most patients experience little to no pain. The injectable filler also contains lidocaine, which further minimizes discomfort during the non-surgical rhinoplasty procedure. For those who are a bit anxious, we can also provide additional options from our comfort menu (like topical numbing, a vibrata tool and a squeeze ball) to help you relax. With this non-surgical approach, patients can achieve natural-looking results that complement their facial structure, all within a short and comfortable office visit.

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Recovery and Results

One of the major benefits of non-surgical rhinoplasty is the minimal recovery time involved. Most patients can resume their usual activities immediately following the procedure, although minor swelling, redness, or bruising at the injection sites is normal and typically subsides within a few days. Applying an ice pack can help to minimize any initial swelling or discomfort.

Results from non-surgical rhinoplasty are visible immediately, with full effects becoming apparent as the minor swelling decreases over the following days. The results are temporary, as the hyaluronic acid fillers are gradually broken down and absorbed by the body. Typically, the effects last between six months and two years, depending on the type of filler used and individual factors. For patients looking to maintain their results, follow-up appointments for repeat treatments are simple and convenient.

NSR or liquid rhinoplasty can also serve as an excellent way to preview the changes that might be achieved through surgical rhinoplasty, giving you a sense of how adjustments to your nose can enhance your overall facial aesthetics.

FAQs About Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty (NSR)

NSR is not intended to correct breathing issues or structural problems such as a deviated septum. For functional concerns, surgical rhinoplasty or septoplasty may be necessary.

Yes, patients who have undergone traditional rhinoplasty can still be candidates for non-surgical rhinoplasty and will be determined during consultation. This procedure can help refine previous results or add additional contouring to improve symmetry.

NSR uses dermal filler to adjust the shape and contour of the nose. Traditional rhinoplasty, on the other hand, is a surgical procedure involving incisions and permanent structural changes to the nasal anatomy.

No, there is no scarring with non-surgical rhinoplasty as the procedure does not involve any incisions.

NSR is generally considered a safe cosmetic procedure when performed by a specialized expert. However, patients may experience mild swelling or bruising at the injection site, which usually resolves within a few days. There is also a very small risk of filler being accidentally injected into a blood vessel, which could cause complications with the skin or eyes, but this occurs very rarely.4

There is minimal downtime associated with non-surgical rhinoplasty, and most patients can resume normal activities right away. You may experience some temporary swelling or bruising, which usually subsides within a few days.

The cost of a non-surgical rhinoplasty is unique for each patient and depends on factors such as the amount of filler needed and the extent of aesthetic changes desired. We’ll go over the cost of your customized non-surgical rhinoplasty treatment plan during your consultation.

close up of young beautiful woman's face smiling

Contact Us

If you’re interested in learning more about non-surgical rhinoplasty and how it can enhance your appearance, contact Bucky Plastic Surgery today. Our experienced aesthetic injectors are here to help you achieve your cosmetic goals with precision and care. Schedule your consultation at our Philadelphia office to explore your options and discover if non-surgical rhinoplasty is right for you.

1American Society of Plastic Surgeons. What is liquid rhinoplasty? Accessed October 1, 2024.
2Cleveland Clinic. Nonsurgical Rhinoplasty. Accessed October 1, 2024.
3American Society of Plastic Surgeons. The nonsurgical nose job: An in-depth examination of liquid rhinoplasty. Accessed October 1, 2024.
4 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. What are the risks of dermal fillers? Available: Accessed October 1, 2024.

Dr. Bucky has either authored or reviewed and approved this content.

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