Louis P. Bucky, MD, FACS

Award-Winning, World-Renowned Plastic Surgeon
Premiere Destination for Finest Injectables & Skin Care

Large Volume Fat Transfer

bucky-live-surgerySIEF, or simultaneous implant exchange with fat, is an innovative procedure utilizing fat transfer to replace implants in order to maintain a similar volume and shape for the breasts. The idea of being able to remove a breast implant and not having to replace it with another implant is very unique, and in my experience, there are many patients who may be interested in this concept, including:

  • Those who have had issues with their breast implants and don’t want them anymore
  • Those who need to have their implants removed but don’t wish to have new ones placed
  • Those who are not good candidates for implants
  • Those seeking an alternative to implants

I feel so strongly about the efficacy of this technique that I recently performed a large volume fat grafting procedure live in front of hundreds of breast surgeons at the 30th Annual Atlanta Breast Surgery Symposium. Not only was the operation quite successful and well received by my colleagues, it also provided me the opportunity to critically evaluate the entire process and interchange ideas that I have since employed to achieve even more effective results for patients at my practice.

Dr. Louis Bucky, Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon

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For more information about large volume fat transfer, or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Bucky, please contact our office today.

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If you live in Philadelphia, Ardmore, or nearby communities in PA and would like more information on our practice, or if you would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Bucky, please contact our office today.

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Bucky Plastic Surgery